
HostLive Help Center

If you are experiencing technical difficulties or have a question regarding booking, monthly membership, billing or simply your account, submit your question to info@hostlive.tv or call our 1-800-307-8130 and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Please feel free to check out our commonly asked questions bellow.

What if I have questions about my membership, billing or video errors?

We’re here to help. Please get in touch with our support and billing team at info@hostlive.tv.

Can I cancel my recurring membership?

Cancel at any time. You can cancel your membership for any reason with 30 days notice.

How do your fees work and how do you handle Visa/Mastercard processing fees? *

Visa and Mastercard Stripe processing fees range from 2.9-3.9% (including international fees). These are a separate from outside of the HostLive platform fee.

We have our own Mindbody location (instance), is this supported?

At the present time, you may connect any # of Mindbody locations for HostLive to manage these events and video publication

Are dynamic tracking Zoom Class Links available? (add on)

Hosts may configure a unique Zoom link and instructions for each defined class. Optionally, a unique link may be enabled for each student class session for more detailed reporting.

What are class links and SMS notifications?

Students can be notified via email and SMS/TXT at the time of a class booking, shortly before the class itself and after the class. Their relevant class/zoom link and meeting details or access to the related video recording are automatically made available to registrants.

How can I updated my teaching schedule or substitute?

Chat with a HostLive Concierge to manage your channel or get in touch with us via phone or email support.

How is tech and billing support handled for my students?

HostLive support provides basic class attendance, technical and billing support for your channel.

How does my free Starter channel handle advertising & branding?

HostLive and HostLive partner branding and advertising may be displayed on free accounts. To remove this branding upgrade to a Pro account or higher.

How does video storage work?

Your video storage quota includes the original uploaded video asset files along with all related transcoded versions of this video file. Paid plans include dedicated video storage that can be upgraded as needed according the the pricing above.

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